Saturday, March 26, 2011

About me

My name is Joe and I am a transfer student starting as a sophomore this year studying Technical Direction.  I live off campus in Clemmons which is around a 15 minute drive to school.  I am originally from Hicksville New York which is located on Long Island about 30 miles from Manhattan.  I lived there for 21 years and just moved to NC in June of 2010.  The school i went to previously was Suffolk Community College where I studied technical theatre.  The drive was one of the major things that bothered me about New York.  Here in North Carolina if one travels 30 miles it will take about 30 minutes or less.  In New York 30 miles could run anywhere from 30-90 minutes depends on traffic and weather.  
(Grumman is on the border of Hicksville and Bethpage which is the next town over)
2011 snow storm

My parents and I no longer talk but I do keep in touch with other family member such as my sister who just turned 17.  I travel back to New York about three times a year and driving is much more affordable then flying.  My girlfriend and I visit family when we travel back to New York, although I do enjoy being there but I definitively do not miss living there.

The main problem that young people need to watch out for is how to judge their money.  Credit is a huge part of ones life once college is over.  If one does not have a credit card and establish credit early there could be some serious consequences in the future when one goes to buy a house and or a car.  Even if one uses the credit card for food or gas purchases it still helps starting the building process of increasing one's credit score.  

Digital Media is completely knew to me.  I've never created a blog or posted anything about myself on any site before.  Seems to me that this is more of a journal that everyone could read.  I look forward to this class and i would like to learn more about digital media. The videos that were assigned for homework really intrigued me and started to make me think of easy was that people could start thinking about a revolution on the way we live everyday to help the earth stay the way it is.  Earth is calling out to us for help there are many warning sings such as the well known global warming effect.

I've never grown food before besides taking care of a small garden that had some tomatoes in it.  I am not one to dig in the dirt, I would rather be working on a car getting greasy then working with the ground.  Although I do love to work with my hands, sitting at a desk for work simply does not cut it for me.  I've been a carpenter for a neighbor of mine since I was 13 and it always made ends meet.  I started my own construction company when I was 18 with a friend of mine which went downhill when the recession hit NY.  Home construction was one of the first industries to feel the recession and it will be the last to start back up.  So I decided to go back to school to be a carpenter in theatre.

Growing up in a multicultural area is strange when the area you lived in your whole life changes around you in five years.  Throughout long island there is a path of immigrant Indians that have been buying up property along the only interstate that runs through long island.  They have been slowly moving further and further east from the city populating towns such as Hicksville and buying property both commercial and residential changing the environment to their customs.  The change helped the community because commercial and residential building were old and they needed to be renovated.  The Indians that moved there literally walked into houses being sold with a brief case with cash to buy the house in full right there on the spot.  It has changed the town dramatically and it no longer resembles where i grew up.

Living in a multi-cultural area made me realized how diverse people are and how hard to get people to accepts others is since they have lived a certain way for fifty years and now everything is changing around them.  Some people need to find that change is good and it is out of control of a single person.  I have experienced many different kinds of people from different areas and it seems that people are mostly defined on where they grew up and the kind of people and attitude of the are they are associated with.

For Digital Media class we had to create a mosaic relating to a reading we had to do.
Also we were told to create a picture with our native country and since me and my girlfriend both have backgrounds with Italian descent from Sicily.