Monday, May 2, 2011

hw sunday may first

The social and political worries are not a bad part of digital media.  Governments have hid many things from the people of which they govern and some of which the people should know about.  As Obama stated the other night when he was with Donald Trump, there are more important things that need to be addressed such as is Area 51 and the UFO sightings real, was the moon landing faked?  Questions such as these have yet to be answered on wiki leaks but someday they might and it would be very interesting to find out how long governments have been lying to their people.  Governments also do many things that they don't tell the people such as Guantanamo bay.  Secrets being revealed are good for the whole of the people but it may not benefit the government, but I am 100% alright with that.

Social and interpersonal worries have yet to seem to have a negative effect on society.  People are now about to view their ideas and list things about themselves on dating sites to find a person that most suites their interests and ideas.  Whether it is being able to find new friends, social partners, and a fun get together, or a serious relationship that turns into a marriage. People have been trying to find new ways of connecting to people and the dating and online scene makes it easier for people to keep in touch so they are able to stay friends and eventually see each other and meet face to face and be able to still feel like they never lost touch.

This model.... 
best explains how I personally went through my addiction with the internet.  I do believe that sometimes people do get stuck in certain stages for long periods of times; sometimes I believe it could be years before someone would move out of a stage if someone had not intervened.  This goes the same for any addiction though; people are addicted to many things such as alcohol, caffeine, illegal drugs, books, television...etc.  One has to be strong enough to be able to move on from that addiction and realize what actually because it in the first place weather it's depression, anxiety, etc.  Most things in life can be used in a bad way or become addicting, one just needs to understand what they are doing and take a step back and realize if there is something bad going on.

Psychological and cognitive worries...I do not believe that Google is making us stupid.  To relate back to the articles I read, yes people are changing the way they think and people are reading books less but, why is this bad thing?  Information is easily more processes and readily available to people online, summaries and entries with comments about certain materials can easily provide a better explanation in a shorter amount of time than reading a book. And yet if one still wishes to read a book after reading good things about it online, then it is still possible to read the book.  I myself feel compelled to explain a situation that I have recently come into.  Reading all this new information that has been leaked out and learning all the problems with society and how things should be done and that no one does a thing to fix it, starts to get on my nerves.  The way society is governed and how closed minded and ignorant people are bothers me more and more every day.  Society should not be proud of itself; it’s sickening to think of sometimes, the way humans act.  I could go on and on and explain the problems with society but there's nothing I myself can do about it.  This is why I mostly stay in my own home and do not socialize with others.  It’s much safer to be at home then to deal with the problem and stresses of everyday life.  I will give one example, a friend of mine and I were in Florida and we were driving on a highway, we both spaced out and we were in the left lane out of five,  both of us were spacing out jamming to music, doing the speed limit and the next thing we know there are blue lights behind us, we pulled over and the cop gave him a ticket for passing a school bus with its lights on, neither of us saw it and still to this day we never found out if it was there or not.  The ticket would have been fine except the penalty in Florida for passing a school bus with the red light on are thirty days in jail.  One mistake could lead to 30days in jail?  I understand if there was a one or two lane road where there was a bus, how could you not miss it?  But a ten lane highway passing a school bus gives you thirty days in jail?  What kid would be crossing a ten lane highway seriously...?

As much time as people spend on the computer I do think people need to learn the right posture and behavioral practices with a computer.  Such as having a driving course that teaches one how to drive a car and be a defensive driver, one should have a class demonstrating on limiting the amount of time one spends on a computer and the quicker ways to get things done without having to spend hours on a computer.  More time spent learning on how to accomplish things will lead to more free time to enjoy life outside of the digital media world.  Posture and being able to learn how to type and sit without getting cramps and aches from sitting at the computer would definitely be a good help.  I was always taught to keep my wrists up at the keyboard but doing so for long periods of time drives me nuts.  So, I went out and bought one of those pad to keep your wrists elevated and it has helped my carpel tunnel greatly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Digital Media remix video

 Had some trouble trying to upload the file to you tube.  Every time I tried I kept receiving a load failure message. I interpreted the theme of contemporary vs traditional by using Dracula from 1932, Blade II the movie, and rob zombie video clips from a music video.  I also used songs from Rob Zombie, Korn, and Disturbed and Drowning Pool.  My video remix is on vampires traditional and contemporary.  My idea first started out with automobiles...the traditional side was going to be old automobiles that were gas guzzlers and very big.  New automobiles are more efficient which includes some of the new solar panel and hybrid cars which use no gas or very little gas to get much father.  I tired to research this idea but creating a music video became difficult.  I then changed over to traditional and contemporary architecture which I was going to take videos and clips from new and exciting buildings such as the underwater casino and hotel room in Dubai and get pictures of castles and architecture from places such as England where buildings have been around ten times longer than any building in the United States.  This also proved to be troublesome to get the information needed for this project.  Last week I was watching you tube and I saw a Rob Zombie music video and I was into it, I soon then realized there were vampires in his video and then the idea came to me to do vampires new and old.  I do like the result of the project, I had difficulty with the volume of songs when I put them together, I managed to fix the problems.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

hw for monday 4/23

I think it is an interesting idea that an artist could sell there own songs for a specific price to people who want to buy their song.  There still is a problem though, not everyone is going to want to pay a dollar something per song when people can still download all of the songs for free on other programs.  I understand that this is a new idea and it does solve some issues of people not purchasing cd's and artists still being able to make money but I don't think that they will be able to make anywhere near the amount that they used to.  I still think they shouldn't be glorified millionaires as they were before.  It was quiet ridiculous that people who sing and act on television gets millions of dollars; it is a job like everything else.  It seems in this society what is good for the small amount of the society who holds all the money is the ones who get the final say.

  I have never seen people been able to perform music via cell phones before, programs for the cell phone have been able to improve such things as musical instruments that are able to perform songs?  I was very amazed at the fact that it sounded perfect and it was being done on the train with no real musical instruments.  To me being able to do that in a public place is a new part of the digital media world that will become very popular since it seems so easy.

The video about cosmetics was quiet disturbing.  I didn't know the cosmetic industry could false advertise as much they do.  I figured when people put a label on a product describing that is natural it would have to be.  Cancer causing chemicals are used in all of these cosmetic items and no one has cared or bothered to put a stop to it since the fifties?  This seems a little strange that it has been going on for sixty years and things still haven't changed.  I'm a little worried about the dove soap and axe deodorant that I use everyday.  How would one know that there would be multiple chemicals that cause numerous problems in the body?  I feel so ignorant that I am just learning about this now.  I will have to do research to find out about my products that I use daily. 

Wikipedia clarified some of the questions I had about what a remix actually was.  I didn't know that covers and edits weren't considered a remix.  I thought a remix would have been anything that was edited for someone's own purpose.  I've had trouble creating a remix for the class project due to the fact I wasn't sure if I was just allowed to use audio and video and if we just used video, would it still be considered a remix?  According to Wikipedia it would be considered a remix if one would add different movie clips together to perform one long one.

Copyright seems to be understood as if someone produces a piece of work one will have to acknowledge an artist or authors piece of work if one relates and refers back to a music piece, a book, etc.  People seem to think that the internet is a zone where one could people can take others information just because it’s so simple to copy and paste something and take it as your own.  Should this considered a bad thing or not?  People have used others work for centuries and that's how we learn more and more by studying and developing from other people.  The capitalistic economy that has been established in this country has made people want to make more money and only think about the individual.  People want more money than they know what to do with rather than everyone being able to live comfortably.  Although in this society few people live comfortably and those who do have, more comfort than ten people would ever need.

The create commons seems like a great new idea for people who believe in the freedom of the internet and the ability to use the information provided to create their own masterpieces with using bits and pieces from other peoples work.  They are simply borrowing information to express their own ideas.  People can use the same information to show different idea so what is the big deal if people borrow other ideas to make their own.  Isn't it the same thing, then why do people care so much if their work is used by someone else, wouldn't they feel proud that their work is good enough to be used by others?  No this society only cares about money and how to get the most money out something someone makes.  It is no longer just to live comfortably but to be selfish and petty to sacrifice others for the benefit of one's self.

(cspd comics) I cannot comprehend why on earth anyone would have to pay ten thousand dollars just because a cell phone ringer was playing a song.  To me this is proof that our system is more corrupt than anyone could have thought.  People need to get together to stand up to these sort of problems,  the internet is a way to bring closer together, so lets start making some changes since we are now so closely tied together.

(American lawbreaking) I feel bad repeating myself again but to me this is another problem of ignorance and stupidity.  People and their laws, everyone seems to be on a power trip.  The internet was invented a long time ago and people have to just accept the change for which has taken place.  People need to stop worrying about money, yes it does provide the essentials and can make a person happy but one does not need to bathe in money.  Society needs to change and have a big wake up call once that happens people will realize how foolish they have been.

The Donald Duck cartoons seem to comply with my last two paragraphs that there needs to be a change.  Our society has changed for the worst and the power lies in the hands of a few who control the majority of the money.  It stated in the clip that right now the difference in money from poor to rich has the biggest gap since the great depression in the 1930's and I do believe it.  People are not happy, I would bet that most people are unhappy due to a financial reason or job loss and what is going to happen to change that?

The snow white remix totally blew me away.  I was so amazed at how a person could take a movie and make such a catchy music video.  People who have the talent to do such things should be able to show their artistic abilities.  He is not harming the movie of snow white or making Disney look bad in anyway.  The best way I can show that is isn't a copyright is how back when the camera was invented, a bill was being decided on weather or not to allow people to take pictures of natural life without permission.  If the bill was passed every picture taken would have to be approved by the government first.  This is absurd that one could even think of saying this now but when it was first invented that is what people thought.  The same goes for copyright, copyright what never intended for the internet, it shouldn't apply to the internet.  Laws need to change in with the new and out with the old I say.  Revolution is growing in the midst, people might not know that is what it is called but at the rate at which things are going people are too bound by laws and illogical reasoning that doesn't apply to today's way of life.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hw for monday 4/18

Digital Media to me is information that is in pieces and people can put it together to for one solid piece of material which has a bunch of pieces together as explained in Bob King's audio segment.  People can take these different pieces of digital media and can express different ideas by putting different pieces of media and information together.

I fin it interesting that the first time i am hearing about a loom being able to produce an images from a flash card back in the 19th century(second reading).  Also i never thought people would be so amazed to see a camera that they would travel around the world to be taken a picture by a machine.  Things like this I take for granted without even knowing it.  This type of class should be taught in high school or middle school so it can help children understand more about the technological era that we are in and how much we now depend on machines where as before was all man or animal power.  I've always wondered how the process of which a computer was made happened.  But to think it all started from a calculator being about to store data is mind boggling.

Based on the third reading, cultures are all based on plagiarism.  Plagiarism goes back as far as history does.  Plays were always reproduced and copyrighted from one era to another.  It has been speculated that Shakespeare himself has copyrighted certain piece of work and change it a little and called it his own.  Ego has gotten in the way of people in this society  People are more concerned with individualistic needs than the society.  I feel the need to somewhat agree with the person referring to taking a photograph that he must need permission to take it.  I wouldn't go so far as to bring the government into asking permission to take picture but taking pictures of people in public and posting where they are and what they are doing is an invasion of privacy.  In England there are cameras everywhere, people are being video tapped constantly twenty four hours a day seven days a week a person could be tracked through different cameras going from one side of the country to another.  Long island started putting cameras on all the lights due to people running red lights, but they have also been used to catch murderers.  But how far will we let this go, is our daily life going to become on big reality show.  I sure hope not and i would not be a willing participant. 

Music as stated on the fourth reading is a way for people to express their talent and it was stated in the reading that digital media and things being created by machines are taking away from that part of our culture.  Culture has changed so radically over the years that times change before everyone knows it has changed, and it always has been like that since the technological revolution.  I do not care for playing music with other creating my own tunes.  I am not an artist i take an artists views and dreams and turn them into a reality by building a set that is as close to their design as possible.

As stated in the fifth and sixth readings the digital media world is a big part of everyone's life.  I although am not one to use Facebook, blog or use you tube and Google as often as others.  I am more of a gamer, video games and interacting socially through means of a headset device through Xbox which is my main gaming console allows me to talk to anyone in the world online for close to nothing in cost.  My digital experience is different then most i don't' stay up with the news and day to day activities because most things that happen don't effect me and the ones that do effect me i find out eventually

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


My main objective for this project is to find out how the Montagnard Dega people made water systems, long houses, cutting tools, farming tools, joints, weapons (hunting) and other types of engineering and how they are able to make things work on a day to day basis.  Most of the websites are vague on how things were made and the in depth ways of them finding a way to cut down trees to cultivate and what techniques they have.  I would have to talk more to the Montagnard Dega person that was involved in this part of everyday life.

I need to find more information on the subject, there is not much on the internet that is about what they did in their daily life, how they constructed tools and water systems for farming.  What did they use to cut down the trees to clear their land for farming?  I intend to talk with one of the Montangard people that know a lot about engineering.  This will hopefully broaden the horizon on what a man would be responsible for in a community and what they needed to build and how to built it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

week 2

Watching the videos for homework made me think about the way society works.  Referring the first video on frontline that was assigned, I would have to agree that people are more likely to respond to things as to the way they would like to hear it.  Trying to explain something can be said and illustrated in many different ways.  For instance when the man was conducting the study on a group of people about a power company, many people was moved with different emotions as they watch an advertisement for a power company.  I believe that sometimes people that are portraying a message do not get out the message that they had intended and it was taken in a bad way.  For instance instead of calling the war on Iraq it was changed to the war on terror.  This change it approaches would make more people agree that the war was needed because now people will be more because of the changing of the words.
Referring to Marshal McLullan the alphabet is the main source of all renovation and intellect we know today.  I never came to think of the alphabet as something that dramatic but as a society today we grew up with it so it something that one would take advantage of without even knowing it.  Without the alphabet society was able to grow and develop exponentially which is till is growing at the same rate today.  Society will continue to grow and I found it amazing how one could look at the alphabet granted and not even know how much it has done.