Sunday, April 3, 2011

week 2

Watching the videos for homework made me think about the way society works.  Referring the first video on frontline that was assigned, I would have to agree that people are more likely to respond to things as to the way they would like to hear it.  Trying to explain something can be said and illustrated in many different ways.  For instance when the man was conducting the study on a group of people about a power company, many people was moved with different emotions as they watch an advertisement for a power company.  I believe that sometimes people that are portraying a message do not get out the message that they had intended and it was taken in a bad way.  For instance instead of calling the war on Iraq it was changed to the war on terror.  This change it approaches would make more people agree that the war was needed because now people will be more because of the changing of the words.
Referring to Marshal McLullan the alphabet is the main source of all renovation and intellect we know today.  I never came to think of the alphabet as something that dramatic but as a society today we grew up with it so it something that one would take advantage of without even knowing it.  Without the alphabet society was able to grow and develop exponentially which is till is growing at the same rate today.  Society will continue to grow and I found it amazing how one could look at the alphabet granted and not even know how much it has done.

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